Boomer’s Gap Weblog

Bridging the Gap to Comfort in Aging!

Valentine Gift Ideas January 12, 2009

Filed under: Alerts & Hot Issues,Special Occasions — Pamela @ 10:47 pm

Be My Valentine

Be My Valentine

William Shakespeare has described love in the most beautiful manner by saying “As sweet and musical as bright Apollo’s  flute, strung with his hair; and when Love speaks, the voice of all the gods, makes heaven drowsy with the harmony.” Love is the name of giving and not snatching. The essence of love and romance lies in life long commitment to your loved one that you’ll always stand by your darling’s side.

Valentine’s Day will be special and memorable if you do  fun things to make it that way. Use these thoughtful and romantic ideas to create a special Valentine’s Day for you and your sweetheart.

  • Say “I Love You” All Around the House
    With simple little touches you can bring a “Happy Valentine’s Day” to every special person in your life. Ribbons, bows, and hearts are easy to put around the house. I believe if you want to make your valentine feel special then a great idea for you is to place a small love note with three magical words written on it ‘I Love You’ and place it besides her bed and see the miraculous effects.
  • Take a day’s leave from office and plan the day with your loved one.
  • Prepare some nice valentines cookie recipe in the shape of heart and I’m sure your partner will love it.
  • Romantic long drive and a candle light dinner is a fabulous idea.
  • Do not forget to present her a bouquet of red roses because to express love what better way than flowers.
  • Instead of buying a card, this valentine’s day do something different. Prepare a nice colorful card and do not forget to write love quotes.
  • This is the day when words are not enough. Some action is also required to make the day different. Well I hope you must have got an idea that I’m talking about giving your spouse a nice tight hug.
  • Decorate the house for the special occasion. Implement smart tricks for creating the mood for romance. Dim lights, light music, romantic songs and most importantly attire a nice costume specially meant for Valentine’s Day. Adorn yourself with jewelry and other fashion accessories.
  • Propose your partner and tell her/him how special and important he/she is for you and that it is difficult to imagine your life without them.
  • Hold each others hands and go for a short walk.
  • Appreciate each other and read out romantic poems for your lover.

Finding the right Valentine’s Day gift is probably the most difficult shopping experience in any man’s life.  It isn’t like buying a birthday gift — choosing a gift for this special occasion won’t just show your affection toward her, but your degree of commitment as well.

The nature of the Valentine’s Day gift can reflect how much you care, or don’t care, about her. The meaning of your gift also varies according to the seriousness and the type of relationship you’re in.

Give Her the gift of soothing comfort . Choose from our Home Spa treatments.
Tingle Her senses with wonderful fragrances. Choose from our large selection of brand name scents.

Send a dozen red roses for Valentine’s Day. Browse a large selection of Valentine’s roses and rose bouquets specially selected from top florists.

Order a lovely flower bouquet for Valentine’s Day. Find colorful Gerber daisies, classic tulips and more to send as a perfect Valentine’s Day gift.

Beautiful heart-shaped Valentine’s gifts are the perfect way to say ‘I love you’ this season. Choose from heart flower bouquets, jewelry and pendants.

Find a great selection of Valentine’s Day jewelry gifts including heart-shaped rings, bracelets, watches and more


Taking the Headache Out of the Holidays! December 9, 2008

Did you know that it is estimated that 25 million Americans suffer from debilitating headaches? For many more, holiday stress can actually be a trigger – even when headaches normally aren’t a problem.

Holiday stress has become so rampant that it has become increasingly hard to associate this time of the year with heartwarming traditions like caroling and nutmeg.

Top 4 Holiday ConcernsSolved!

On a tight budget? Opt for a gift exchange or do some online research on how to create unique, yet inexpensive homemade gifts.

Do holiday crowds at the mall make you cringe? Shop online. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time, or you’ll be stressed your packages won’t make it on time!

Worried you’re going to pack on the pounds?
Schedule realistic times to exercise and stick with your plan. Physical activity is one of the best ways to reduce holiday stress. Even a short brisk walk will do wonders.

Overwhelmed with a never-ending ‘to do’ list? Don’t overextend yourself and ask for help from family and friends if you need to.

Holiday Stressors

Stress, longer hours at work, decorating, shopping, finding the perfect gift and even family gatherings can bring us to a breaking point, causing tension headaches and nervous system problems such as anxiety and insomnia- understandably making the glittering holiday lights less than pleasant.

We all have specific issues that cause stress during the holidays. Common worries are usually relating to finances, family, or ill-health. While we cannot change or control all our troubles, we can adjust our attitude accordingly.

Adjust Your Attitude & Reduce Stress

Minimizing stress and anxiety during the holidays is possible, as many types of stress –– including holiday stress –– stem from unrealistic expectations. Once you learn to accept (and expect) little problems and imperfections, you’ll reduce holiday stress simply because you’ll have realistic goals and expectations.

It’s inevitable that some troubles will arise during the holiday season; a few family arguments may occur, and gifts may disappoint, after all- it’s not only you dealing with holiday madness. Learning to go with the flow and accept-even laugh- at flaws can make a big difference in your outlook. This can be applied to everyday life as well!

Pamper yourself

Reducing holiday stress (and stress in general) will come naturally once you learn to treat yourself well – whether it’s a massage, pedicure, manicure, or day spa (remember to book it early).

All of these stress reducing tips will not only help you relax and enjoy the holidays, but they will also help reduce your changes of suffering from tension headaches and even migraines.

Remember, doing something for yourself will go a long way in lifting your spirit this holiday season. Listen to soothing music and make sure to get enough sleep! Just remember- the holidays REALLY don’t have to be a headache!

Physical Support from

and Native Remedies

Remember, utilizing a herbal and homeopathic remedy together supports balance in the body

Natural Mood & Emotional Support


A perfume for every woman! December 3, 2008

When you go shopping, there are so many fragrances to choose from, are you confused about which one is best for you? Did you know that each scent smells different on each individual because of their body chemistry? Have you found the perfect cologne and you’re eager to wear it everywhere? Well here is a guide that can help you with the basics of selecting and applying your cologne for maximum effect!

When we wear a fragrance we would like it to reflect our character.

When we wear a fragrance we would like it to reflect our character.

Choosing Your Cologne

Keep in mind that cologne has three distinct notes that will slowly appear as you go through your day. If you choose your cologne by simply smelling it in the store, you are missing out on two of the important notes that set your cologne apart from others. Read on. . .

The first “top” note from your cologne will be sharp and, as the one you notice most, it will attract attention. But after you apply your cologne and the second note begins to come through, you’ll begin to enjoy the “heart note” of your cologne. This leaves the most lasting impression, so when you’re planning on choosing your signature scent, allow it to settle and evaporate before making a final decision regarding your cologne.

Lastly, you’ll be left to enjoy the base note. This deep and lingering scent will stick around as a permanent and lasting impression of your cologne. When shopping for a new signature cologne, be sure to spray a mist of scent on sample cards and take them with you to experience the three notes to their fullest.


• Don’t be afraid of newer colognes with untraditional notes! While woody notes are still very popular for men’s fragrances, embrace fruity, floral notes as well as refreshing oceanic scents for summer.
• Keep in mind that Eau de Toilette spray will last around 3 to 4 hours, while Eau de Cologne should last around 2 hours.

How to Apply Cologne

• Avoid “splashing” your cologne. It will really overpower you and everyone in your vicinity.px237s022

• Control your cologne application by using a spritzing bottle. Even if you purchase your perfume in a usual bottle, transfer it to an atomizer bottle to distribute scent easily.

• If you are applying perfume from a regular bottle, take one finger and press it against the opening of your bottle, and then tip it over gently.

• Apply your cologne to these main points: inner wrists, behind the ears, or near the neck glands. Don’t try to use it everywhere, but just one or two points that you personally find best.

• Continue to apply your cologne to the rest of the body. The usual areas of application are the wrists, neck, chest, and thighs. Remember, don’t overdo it!

• Don’t apply cologne to your clothes. The scent will disappear quickly and could stain your clothes.

Hints and Tips

• Maximize the life of your cologne bottle by storing it away from light. Stash it in a drawer or cupboard in a cool, dry place for it to last its longest.

• Spray cologne from a distance of around 15 centimeters from your skin.

• Be sure not to rub the skin after you spray or dab on your cologne. This will alter the scent significantly.

• Make your cologne last longer by using a coordinating shower gel or soap by theIt's A MAn Thang! same brand, and an unscented aftershave and moisturizer so there’s no competition with your scent.

• Experiment a little with your choices and don’t get stuck in a rut. New fragrances are released every year, and it’s worth taking advantage of cool new colognes and switching it up a bit.

* Take along your significant other to help, after all, it’s a MAN Thang.


Skin needs protection from Old Man Winter November 21, 2008

Filed under: Anti Aging Skin Care — Pamela @ 6:01 pm
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Beware of Old Man Winter on Your Skin.

Beware of Old Man Winter on Your Skin.

Next time you decide to go on an outside adventure, don’t just dress to protect your body; protect your face. When snow covers the ground and a chill sets in, we are faced with itchy, flaky, and painfully dry skin — conditions that can be avoided with just a little care.

According to skin specialist Dr. Debra Wattenberg, one of the most common mistakes people make is to go out during the day without wearing sunscreen. “People come in with some of the most severe sunburns, especially from winter sports like skiing or ice skating.

Debra Wattenberg

She advised people to resist the temptation to take scalding hot showers after coming in from the cold, especially if their skin has been dry. “Use a moisturizing soap,” she suggested, “and consider investing in a humidifier.”

In addition to winter outside, the heat at home further strips the skin of natural oils. Cosmeticians recommended using a moisturizer that has sun protection and contains alpha hydroxy.


With the right colors, makeup can at least create an illusion of warmth. Makeup artist Bobbie Brown said richer shades like burgundies and bronzes provide a healthy glow. Since matte lipsticks can further damage chapped lips, cosmeticians advise using a lip balm underneath.

To keep skin healthy for winter, drink lots of water and using a moisturizer such as AdvanSkin Hydrolic Moisturizing Serum twice a day. And if your skin is still painfully dry, make that trip to the dermatologist.


Stress incontinence: Help is available.

Filed under: Women's Health — Pamela @ 5:17 pm
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It may be embarrassing, but stress urinary incontinence is a common problem among women. It’s also highly treatable. In fact, eight in 10 women who seek treatment see an improvement or are cured.

Stress incontinence occurs when any kind of pressure is put on your bladder, such as when you sneeze, laugh, lift, cough, exercise, or even rise from a chair. Childbirth and weight gain are two common causes of incontinence because these conditions stretch the pelvic floor muscles. hormone changes during menopause, some medications and other factors can also cause incontinence.

Your physician has many treatment options, including medication,  biofeedback, strength exercises and, in extreme cases, surgery.

There is also the Myself U Pelvic Muscle Trainer, previously available by prescription, Myself, Pelvic Muscle Trainer, guides women through a five minute exercise program that strengthens and tones the pelvic floor muscles.

Myself is easy to use; just turn on the trainer and follow the cues on the screen. Each time “pump” is displayed, press the pump button once to fill the vaginal sensor with air. The sensor will form fit to each individual woman, allowing the trainer to measure the sensor’s resistance to each pelvic muscle contraction.

When “flex” is displayed, contract your pelvic muscles. The trainer immediately displays visual feedback on the strength and duration of each contraction. During the “relax” periods, the trainer will alert you if you are not fully relaxing your muscles.

The first four minutes of the exercise session guides you through 10 second contractions, building endurance; the final one minute guides you through quick, one second contractions, building strength. This exercise program is specifically designed to work both the long and short muscle fibers ensuring ideal muscle tone and strength.

Myself includes:

Myself U for Incontinence.

Myself U for Incontinence.

* 1 Trainer

* 1 Vaginal Sensor (non-latex) (replace every 4 weeks)

* 1 Replacement Sensor

* 1 Travel Bag

Buy Myself U for $89.95 and get a  Replacement Sensor FREE!

*So don’t let embarrassment keep you from asking for help.


Bring Home the Bacon for Christmas! November 13, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pamela @ 11:56 pm
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Bring Home The Bacon For Christmas!

Bring Home The Bacon For Christmas!

The economy seems to be the # 1 topic on everyones mind. The holidays are just around the corner and how are we going to buy that Thanksgiving turkey, or feed our family, how about Christmas toys and the list goes on and on. Well I can’t help solve those problems but I can suggest ways to make it a little easier to cope.Women, there are always something that we can do to generate money. Here are just a few suggestions you might consider.

*cleaning houses *have a yard sale, *if you have a craft, sell it, *baby sitting *run errands for elderly, * sit with the elderly, *if cooking is your thing, advertise in the local paper, will cook cakes for public, or how about cooking dinner for a busy family.

These are just a few, be creative, we can do it, you will feel better knowing that your helping to bring home the bacon. Make your holidays brighter with some Christmas cash. That’s how some of the best businesses are started. Good luck!


Power Surges Means Sleepless Nights and “Not just in Seattle!” November 4, 2008


"Is it HOT in here ...Or is it Me?"

It’s been a long day, so after watching the news, I feel sleepy, I turn out the light and sink down into my fluffy pillows, nestle under the covers and relax. I’m just falling asleep when, wham – it happens. and… Who turned up the heat? I throw off the covers, fan myself and contemplate another sleepless night ahead. But wait, I have the Verita’ Hot Flash Cooling Spray on my night stand. One Spray, the heat is gone.

Turn Off Your Power Surges Wtih Verita' Hot Flash Cooling Spray!

I know I’m not alone. I’ve spoken with many women who experience this combination of a “power surge” and hot flash during the night and like me, are sleep deprived as a result. But there is help and it’s so simple, just check out Verita’ and say good bye to Hot Flashes.

Hot flashes are one of the first symptoms to appear in pre-menopausal women and they can last for as long as five years after the last menstrual cycle, according to a study conducted by Stanford University researchers that investigated the link between hot flashes and insomnia.
The results of this study was published in the June 26, 2006 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine.

In the Stanford study, 982 women aged 35 to 65 years were questioned about their sleep “dissatisfaction,” occurrences of hot flashes, and their menopausal status. What I find particularly interesting is that the highest prevalence of hot flashes (79%) and chronic insomnia (56%) occurred among perimenopausal women – those who had had a period at least once in the previous 12 months. By contrast, the occurrence of hot flashes and insomnia in post menopausal women (defined as not having had a period in the previous 12 months) was 39 percent and 51% respectively.

The study concluded that “severe hot flashes are strongly associated with chronic insomnia in midlife women.”

So ladies, don’t despair…” A spray a day will keep the HOT FLASHES away!”


Winter and Your Skin! October 28, 2008

Greetings From The South.

Greetings From The South.

The weather is changing, time to worry about dry, flaky skin. Have you ever pulled up your pant leg at work to scratch an itch, and this powder-like stuff came out like a cloud of dust? UH- Oh, time to get out the moisturizers and lotions, but you thought all that was just for summer and all those cute little shorts and bikinis, NOT! Taking care of your skin should always be a priority. Taking care of your skin is like taking care of your lawn, if you neglect your yard then it’s hard to get caught up. Youve seen many ads for the best anti aging skin care all over the T.V. Are you as confused as Me? Well I found something that works, and I would love to share it with you.

Woman checking her complextion

Woman checking her complextion

DMAE is an amazing nutrient that extends the life of cells, inhibits the cross linking of proteins, which gives the skin a tone and firm appearance. When DMAE is applied to the skin, the skin looks firmer, less lined and smoother. There is an immediate improvement in the appearance of elasticity and luminosity to the skin. DMAE enhances the appearance of facial contours – Tightens & Rejuvenates Skin.
This serum is very light and can be put on over or under the makeup. The firm appearance that DMAE can bring to the skin occurs within about 20 minutes and wears off by the end of the day. DMAE has become very popular as a result of Dr. Nicholas Perricone, M.D.’s top-selling book, The Wrinkle Cure, in which he promotes supplementing with DMAE as a treatment for lifting and tightening the skin. When applied to the skin DMAE stimulates acetylcholine release which triggers a response in the muscles of the face. This activity creates a firmer facial tone and less sagging. (more…)


“The Good ‘Ole Days” October 20, 2008

Filed under: Alerts & Hot Issues,Women's Health — Pamela @ 7:29 pm
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After church Sunday, a lady that new my grandmother told me I looked a lot like my grandmother. She said she had the prettiest skin she had ever seen and I looked a lot like her. To me that was a great honor, but I fear she was trying to make me feel good. When I was little, I remember hearing people talk about how beautiful my Grandmother was. Of course back then, it didn’t mean much. To me my Mother was a beautiful woman but she would tell me she wished she looked more like Grandma Charlsie. Now as I look back, I remember the things that seemed so funny at the time, like that funny old bonnet she wore outside. She wore this old straw bonnet with a wide brim, long sleeves and little gloves whenever she was in the sun. Her cleaning regiment was Vaseline and a wash cloth, and Jergens Lotion for moisturizing. Cosmetics were few, a little dab of powder, a pinch on the check and a little light pink lipstick was all. Her medicine chest had two anti aging treatments, Jergens lotion and Vaseline.

Boy how times have changed, most of us need extra space to keep all the products that we never have time to put on. We have something to clean our face, a toner, one to exfoliate, another to help the wrinkles around our eyes, one for our mouth, and another for our forehead, not to mention the moisturizers. The stress of it all. Did you know that stress and depression causes us to age faster? Well, I didn’t need an expert to tell me that, my divorce taught me, I woke up one morning, looked in the mirror and scared myself. It’s like I went to sleep and during the night someone dressed me in a halloween mask, I looked 20 years older.

That could be a mild exaggeration but it got me to thinking that I better wake up and smell the Serum. (more…)


A Real Scare! October 15, 2008

Fall is in the air, the leaves are turning to brilliant oranges and reds. Halloween is just around the corner,"Remember" when all the little goblins come out to play, trying to scare the pants off you. October is also breast cancer awareness, which hit a little to close to home for me. I had not had a check up in quiet some time and had been experiencing a little tenderness under my arm and the side of my breast and I felt what I thought might be a knot. I made an appointment with my family doctor, he said that he felt what might be fibrocystic but that I needed to have a mammogram to be on the safe side. Fibrcystic breast disease runs in my family, my Mother had several scares over the years, so better safe than sorry I made an appointment to have a mammogram. As it turned out, it was fibrocystic breast disease. He said that breast nodules are a frequently presented gynecologic complaint. (more…)


“October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month” October 9, 2008

Filed under: Alerts & Hot Issues,Uncategorized,Women's Health — Pamela @ 3:35 am
"Feel Those Boobies"

"Feel Those Boobies"

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so think pink and support awareness by sporting a pink ribbon. This year it’s estimated a whopping 21,400 women will develop breast cancer, and 5,300 women will lose their battle against it.

Best defense? The pink ribbon campaign promotes prevention and early detection, more research, supporting women and families living with breast cancer, and educating women to “feel their boobies” to stem breast cancer.

So, what’re waiting for? Feel your boobies!

Breast Cancer Awareness is consider one of the preventive measures towards such a disease. Hence, it is deemed necessary to educate loved ones and friends to do an early mammogram or thermogram.

This month October marks the breast cancer awareness month, we should take this opportunity to educate people and improve awareness to breast cancer as this can help to detect it early or even prevent it.

Cooljamaz has been recognized by the Online Breast Cancer Support Network!
Breast Cancer Support powered by Pink-Link

Cooljamaz Pjs

Cooljamaz Pjs

Support Breast Cancer

Support Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Symptoms

Breast cancers in their early stages are usually painless. Often the first symptom is the discovery of a hard lump. Fifty percent of such masses are found in the upper outer quarter of the breast. The lump may make the affected breast appear elevated or asymmetric. The nipple may be retracted or scaly. Sometimes the skin of the breast is dimpled like the skin of an orange. In some cases there is a bloody or clear discharge from the nipple. Many cancers, however, produce no symptoms and cannot be felt on examination. They can be detected only with a mammogram. (more…)


“Pamper Your Skin for Spring” March 16, 2009

Filed under: Alerts & Hot Issues,Anti Aging Skin Care — Pamela @ 1:15 pm
What to do right now to get your face and body ready for spring.

Spring is here! Daffodils, hyacinths, tulips awaken from there winter sleep and brighten our landscapes with their perfection. The days get longer and temperatures begin to climb, off go the sweaters and boots and on go the shorts and sandals.

But while your spirit may be singing the praises of spring, it’s also likely your skin is still crying out with the winter blues — dry, scaly, rough, spots on heels, knees, and elbows as well as stressed- out, undernourished skin on your face and body.

“Nothing is worse for skin than a long, cold winter — the low humidity in conjunction with hot air, heat, and less fresh air often can leave your skin looking dull, dry, rough, and even wrinkled and older,” says Cheryl Citron, MD, the past president of the New Jersey Dermatology Society.

Knees, elbows, heels, and toes can also suffer from a winter in boots — where too often, says Citron, what we don’t see,

Revive Dry Skin

Revive Dry Skin

we neglect.

“When our feet and legs aren’t on display the way they are during warmer weather, we tend not to moisturize as much, and we don’t pay as much attention to things like dry cuticles; unfortunately, it doesn’t take long for skin that is neglected to react, becoming dry, dull, and flaky, and sometimes even red and inflamed,” Citron tells WebMD.

The good news: Beautiful, summer-sweet skin is closer than the nearest watermelon patch! The best place to start, say experts, is with a head-to-toe moisture treatment — and you don’t need high-priced products to do the job right.

The Best Moisturizer?

“One of the best moisturizers you can use is white petroleum jelly — particularly on the very roughest, toughest areas of skin, such as heels, elbows, and knees,” says Heidi Waldorf, MD, director of dermatologic laser surgery at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York City. And if you’ve ever heard that old wives’ tale about drenching feet in Vaseline and then donning a pair of white cotton socks — well, Waldorf says it’s not a myth and it really can dramatically change the way your feet look and feel, almost overnight.

“If you don’t like sleeping in socks, then just smear on the petroleum jelly right before you put on your gym socks and sneakers before working out, or even just to run errands,” she says. If hands are in equal need of a spring makeover, coat them with petroleum jelly as well, and then don a pair of white cotton gloves.

“Any time you are doing a household or garden chore that requires you to wear rubber gloves or gardening gloves, put on the petroleum jelly first, then the white gloves, then the rubber gloves over that,” Waldorf tells WebMD. By the time your chores are done, she says, you’ve given your hands a pretty terrific beauty treatment.


Dry, Itchy Skin Can Flare in Winter’s Weather January 12, 2009

Filed under: Alerts & Hot Issues,Anti Aging Skin Care — Pamela @ 9:33 pm

Happy New Year!

As winter comes in  full force, the wind, low humidity, and cold temperature can cause dry skin. Here are a few tips to help you fight back.

*Dry Skin; When your skin is dry, it is not because it lacks grease and oil, but because it doesn’t retain water. Wind, low humidity, cold temperatures, soaps, some skincare products, and excessive washing without using moisturizers can cause dry skin.

*Emotions and Stress can bring on itching and scratching. Anger, frustration, and embarrassment, can cause flushing and itching.

Soak and Seal: Steps for a Good Daily Skin Care

Weatherize your skin with a great moistuizer!

Weatherize Your Skin with a Great Moisturizer!

The most important treatment for dry skin is to put water back into your skin. The best way to get water back into your skin is to soak in a bath. Gently pat dry and immediately apply a thick layer of moisturizer to seal the water in your skin. Use these key tips:

*Use warm water, not hot for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Avoid scrubbing your skin.

*Use a gentle cleansing bar or wash.  During severe flare ups, you might want to limit the use of cleansers.

*Apply the moisturizer or the special skin medications prescibed for you onto your damp skin. This will seal in the water and make your skin less dry and itchy. Moisturizer creams and ointments are more beneficial than lotions and should not be applied over medications.